Tuesday 31 January 2012

The 4 S's

The one hour time difference is still causing a few issues for Jonny, his phone has insisted on staying on NSW time and therefore he needed to make a manual adjustment in order that the alarm could go off at 6.15am.  Unfortunately with maths obviously not his strong point we were woken by the alarm at 4.15am……..Samantha is now in charge of all alarms.

Some of the more lewd readers of our blog may now be thinking that today’s instalment is going to focus on our recent showering habits.  However, may we assure you that is not the case and in this instance the ‘4 S’s’ refer to sun, sea, sand and sustainability.

Yes, believe it or not, Hervey Bay has come up trumps and we have found sun, although it may only be a temporary respite as a cyclone is brewing somewhere or other (sounds ominous).  The sea was our ferry crossing to Fraser Island, very pleasant bobbing along for 45 minutes.  The sand is obviously Fraser Island itself, as we said yesterday the biggest sand island in the world.  And sustainability, that is for the Ecotourism resort, Kingfisher Bay, we visited on the island today.

Before anyone starts crowing about the first hotel stop, we did not stay overnight and this was not at the request of Samantha, in fact it was a bit of a filler as we couldn’t get on the island tour we want to do until tomorrow.  However, it allowed us to experience a part of the island not many get to see.

Alongside lazing by the pool, messing about in the water and lounging in the Jacuzzi we went on an ‘Eco walk’ with ‘Ranger Jane’.  We got to understand the thinking behind how the resort was built and the animals the residents share the space with.

‘Ranger Jane’ made us realize that most people around here don’t have jobs they have things they enjoy doing and happen to get paid for: be it showing people around a hotel, serving them drinks at the Jetty Hut or driving them about in a bus – everybody’s happy and having a laugh.

Our first day on the island nearing to a close there was one final surprise awaiting us.  As we pulled out of the harbour at Kingfisher Bay a lone dolphin popped up and gave us a display.  It was too quick for any photos and Samantha almost missed it as she thought Jonny was pulling her leg, but it was there honest!  So that makes in one-nil to the dolphins, the koalas really must try harder!.

Early night as we need to be up again a 6am tomorrow as we head back to the island for our 4WD experience in a Hummer…it’s a hard life!

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