Sunday 19 February 2012


Having said "I think this jetlag stuff is a load of baloney", Samantha was wide awake at 4.08am playing patience on her iPhone!!

Breakfast with Eric before we waved goodbye and headed home...........

We arrived back in Oundle to be greeted by two very happy dogs, the boys running and bouncing around as if they hadn’t seen us for a month!  I don’t think they could believe we were back, all day as they tried to settle into their baskets they kept one eye open to make sure we didn’t slip away again.

The house was in immaculate condition with Hannah and Sam having done a fantastic job.

We struggle to find the right words to describe our trip/holiday/adventure but some that come close are:- fabulous, amazing, fantastic, out of this world, once in a lifetime, wonderful, breathtaking, brilliant, gorgeous, bonza, beaut mate.........and as well as so many memories we will carry with us for the rest of our lives, the other thing we have brought home is...........a massive pile of washing.

TeamJam signing off - thanks for reading!!!

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