Monday 13 February 2012

Turning For Home

It is our final day in Australia. We spent the morning touring the souvenir shops of Cairns, stockpiling boomerangs, kangaroos and koalas (obviously only cuddly ones, the real ones don't 
exist in the wild) to bring home. The temperature is a rather sticky 35+ degrees and we don't really know how we are going to deal with the freezing temperatures back home.

Back at the hotel the daunting task of packing awaits. What will fit in, what will we have to leave, just how much will our bags now weigh - it is amazing what you can accumulate in a month. To slightly ease the packing issue we have arranged for a box to be shipped back to the UK, if we don't do this, it looks as though we wouldn't be able to bring any clothes home at all. With bags packed (still with a couple of kilos spare for souvenirs from Hong Kong) box shipped and 
hotel bill paid there is time for an early lunch before we have to head for the airport. 

Lunch was at a little Pizza place on the Esplanade, pizzas were delicious and as we enjoyed 
our last couple of beers we reminisced on our fantastic Australian adventure. 

Eventually we could eek it out no longer and it was time to head to the airport with heavy 
hearts and start our journey home (via Hong Kong). The flight to HK was only 6 and a half 
hours and passed easily with the usual high standards from Cathay Pacific and plenty to eat 
and drink. We got to the hotel at 10.30pm by which time there was just time to have our 
welcome Chinese tea before we collapsed into the very comfortable bed. 

Good night. 

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