Saturday 21 January 2012

A day of two half's

We got up this morning, looked out of the window and knew it was going to rain.  So, when we set off to The Rocks did we take our coats?  Of course we didn’t. 

Therefore, when the heavens opened and it started raining cats and dogs some remedial purchases were required.  Samantha got a rather fetching little umbrella with the Australian flag on it, Jonny didn’t: for some reason, as yet unexplained, he thought the one size fits all poncho would be a better solution.  As you can see for yourself, it wasn’t!

We explored The Rocks market in the rain buying a few bits and pieces along the way, all very tasteful of course – a koala candle, a platypus candle and a glass kangaroo.  Sam would not let Jon buy the didgeridoo but there is plenty of time yet – in fact we had to remind ourselves that this was our last day in Sydney and not our last day in Australia and if we kept buying at this rate there would not be room for us in the RV!!

Anyway, after a while we took shelter from the rain in the Glenmore Hotel and had a couple of pre-lunch drinks.  Happily fortified and with the rain easing we headed off to the BridgeClimb centre – did we do it, find out later?

On the way back through the market we stopped at a local jewellery designer’s stall that had caught Samantha’s eye.  The lady was called Nikki Stevens and she had the most amazing pearl necklace that apparently was just what Samantha had been looking for to complete her wedding outfit – not much room for negotiation here then…and said item was duly purchased.

After lunch at “Jacksons on George” the weather had cleared, the sun was peeping through and we headed off to Bondi Beach (every Australian we have met has always asked “why do you poms always go there” – good question?).

In a vain effort to save money (suffering buyers remorse from our morning spending spree) we decided to catch the number 380 bus.  Now neither of us had been on a bus for a number of years and we were so reminded why – why is it that every bus has at least one nutter on it and this one was no exception.

Bondi is really quite nice: a 1.5 kilometre crescent shaped sandy beach accommodating families and ‘beautiful people”, with lots of surfers bobbing about in the sea.  Having chilled out for a bit and walked for a bit, it was time to head back – this time in a taxi!

In the evening we headed over to Woolloomooloo (try saying that after a couple of beers!) for a fish supper at Mantra.  Woolloomooloo has certainly had a bit of a makeover, from a dodgy dive when Jonny was here 20 years ago (no surprise he knew about it is it) to a swish and trendy hangout of the 21st century – we fitted right in!

Great seats at the front of the Finger Wharf triggered another ‘Pilkington moment’ from Miss George: admiring the Sydney skyline she said “It is nice not to have to look at the bridge and the Opera House”!

Dinner, as ever, was superb and part way through we were treated to a great firework display over the city.  Why?  Who knows, because it is Saturday?

Oh and I nearly forget “The Bridge Climb”, well this is a picture of us doing the twilight climb!

Last night in Sydney over, tomorrow night the van!  I think we will be a little sad and ‘emotional’ to leave Sydney behind.  We could quite easily stay here another 3 weeks and not get bored.  We have done a lot but there is still more to do.  But as my grandma used to say “You’ve got to leave so you can come back”, wise words – good night.

PS – We didn’t really do the bridge climb, in the end the weather put us off and it was apparent that there were compatibility issues between Samantha and the bridge: she only says she wants to do it after a couple of wines and you are not allowed on the bridge if you have had a drink!  Oh well, maybe next time?

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