Friday 20 January 2012

Flight Fantastic!

Less walking today so our calf’s have had time to rest and recover.

We were up early and back down to the harbour to catch a ferry across to Manly in North Head for a peek at the beach.

Manly was a pretty mix of holiday families, beach dudes and us.  The “surf was up” so we spent a little time just watching the variety of surfing standards in the ocean: from the tiny tots surf club (they looked so cute) to the “waxhead” pro.

Had lunch at a restaurant on the Corso (the main strip that runs from the ferry terminal to the beach) which was lovely.  A bit of souvenir shopping before heading back to prepare for the big event of the day…a helicopter ride around Sydney.

And what a trip…we were picked up from the hotel by Lincoln (who wasn’t black although Samantha had assured me he would be!) and were driven to the helipad at Sydney airport.

From here it was just a quick safety briefing and a jump on the scales (ouch!) before we were setting off, hovering over Sydney city and coast.  The views were spectacular: the sky’s had cleared from the morning haze and it was perfect flying weather.  

We scooted along the coast from beach to beach, although in truth it felt strangely smooth and serene, before hanging left and coming into the city centre by the bridge and the opera house (more camera moments!) before flying over the suburbs back to the airport - 25 minutes of excitement and splendor all mixed into one, quite fab!

Just time to pick up the compulsory post flight souvenirs: DVD, key ring and teddy bear (now called “Lincoln”).

Back at the hotel we just had time for a quick spruce up before jumping back on a ferry, this time to Mosman Bay to meet up with the Mullins Family.  Pete, Elizabeth and their daughter Sarah live in a majestic house in Mosman with views that overlook harbour bay, quite unbelievable.  Jonny worked for Pete when he was over in the UK with AMP between 1999-2005 and the family lived in Oundle.  They still have some pictures on the wall of Oundle.  It was a bit strange being on the other side of the world and seeing pictures of your home town.  We were joined by April, a colleague of Elizabeth’s, and her husband Dennis.  We had a lovely evening with piles of BBQ and salad washed down with rather a lot of wine – the Mullins’ know how to entertain!

Got back to the hotel after 1am (that’s late for us) and the final surprise of the day: Samantha wants to go and check out the bridge walk tomorrow (must be the wine talking!)…the question still remains, will she or won’t she?

Off to bed now…our final full day in Sydney tomorrow (ahhhh).

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