Wednesday 18 January 2012

G'day from down under

G’day mates,

A relatively easy 9 hour hop from HK to SYD – However, after the airline had plied us with beer, salad, champagne, starter, wine, main course, port, cheese, more wine, chocolate cake, cognac, and praline, intertwined with tea and coffee, there was not much time for sleep.

We are “Sydneysiders” for the next five days and after the first day we think there could be a lot worse jobs.

We got in early so had to amuse ourselves whilst a room was prepared.  We decided to buy Samantha a new pair of trainers to help deal with all the walking ahead (never let it be mentioned that Jonny said “you should pack your trainers darling they might come in handy…”).

So bathed, rested and footwear sorted we set about exploring Sydney.  As all tourists do we headed straight for the harbour and the mecca that is Circular Quay (Opera House and Bridge etc). 

Unfortunately for Sydney, we were about to experience another ‘Pilkington moment’…Samantha greeted the Sydney Opera House, admired by many as the greatest architectural development of the 20th century, with the comment “it doesn’t look as good as it does on the telly”…

After a couple of white wines things were looking better for the “Harbour city”…the Bridge was “fantastic”, the Opera House “majestic” and Jonny was  “resplendent” (ok, I made the last bit up).

A seafood supper at Doyles, overlooking the harbour as the sun set, finished off a perfect day and even left Samantha contemplating whether the 'bridge walk' was actually something she could do (the power of sauvignon blanc!).  Will she or won't she, that is the question...

Off to bed, wondering what tomorrow might bring…


  1. Loving the blog Jon! You seem to have made a great start to the trip. Loving the blend of your blog and Sam's Facebook updates.... At least on Facebook I can keep encouraging her to buy some fabulous jewels!! Nx

  2. Thanks Nora but honestly no encouragement is needed!
