Monday 16 January 2012

Retail Therapy?

As we are English, I suppose it is only proper that we start off with a weather in Hong Kong was a little cloudy but it didn't rain and overall quite pleasant.  With that out of the way let us tell you about our fun packed day.

It started with a hearty breakfast with an array of choices like we've never seen before.  Anything you can imagine was on offer: from fruit to fish; cereal to curry; or sausage to samosa; really very impressive.

Today's post could have been called "shopping, shopping, shopping" or equally "walking, walking, walking".  Having decided to leave the Peak and other tourist attractions until we return in a month we set off to explore Hong Kong Island and Kowloon on foot.  

First stop was the Hong Kong park.  A pretty little place, all neatly labelled and with a walk through aviary where brightly coloured birds whizzed over your head.  Unfortunately this caused Samantha to have a bit of 'Karl Pilkington moment'...rather than enjoying the spectacle she said "I'd better put my hood up in case I get shat on".  Maybe she is not one of the worlds natural explorers.

It soon became apparent that Hong Kong is a shopaholics dream, everywhere you go is surrounded by shops: hotels share their buildings with shopping malls, offices share their buildings with shopping malls, train stations share their buildings with shopping malls...shops are just everywhere!  And to ensure your style conscious shopaholic doesn't get bothered by the somewhat variable weather, there is a covered walkway connecting shopping mall to shopping mall that weaves its way throughout Hong Kong Island.  

We were left wondering how many jewellers, designer clothes stores or electrical retailers does one place need?  We have never seen so many Tiffany & Co, Armani, Dolce & Gabana in one place.  Samantha was in her element but it was Jonny that was tagged on.

Having explored every nook and cranny of Hong Kong Island we caught the Star Ferry across the harbour to Kowloon.  At last we had found a bargain as the crossing cost the grand sum of 20p each!

Having successfully dodged the suit makers and watch sellers in Kowloon Jonny foolishly stopped to look at a new camera lens and made the school by error of asking the price - CAUGHT!!! An hour later we emerged with a whole new collection of toys for the camera and a little bit lighter in the wallet department (however, it was a lot cheaper than the UK and that's what we keep telling ourselves).

We had lunch 'on the go' so just nipped into a McCafe to grab a bite, the highlight of which was watching a man eating a quarter pounder with cheese using chopsticks fashioned from two straws - pure class!

Back at the hotel there was just time for a couple of cheeky ones before heading out for the evening.  With calves burning, we went back across to Kowloon to a restaurant called Aqua which is on the 29th floor of a tower block (more shops!) with stunning views back across the harbour and fab food.

We concluded that Hong Kong is in its element at night: it looks nicer at night, it is suited to the dark where the messiness is hidden from view and the neon glow of the skyline is enchanting and draws you in.  We will be back in just under a month to conclude our oriental discovery - hopefully by then our legs will have recovered!

So the first stage of our journey is nearly complete and we now head off to the land of Bruce, Sheila, barbies and beer.

Feel free to send us comments, just click on the link at the bottom of the post (but remember they can be seen by everyone so nothing too gushy or rude!).

Next stop down under...


  1. Glad to hear things are going well and you are enjoying yourselves even if a little weary because of all the walking! Certainly sounds a very vibrant place with loads going on. Have to say Samantha this blog business puts my holiday diaries way out of date!! Cold and frosty in Wales -1 this morning! Maybe a little snow on Thursday! Helicopter tried to land on Lake Vrynwy's helipad yesterday but came down in a field, two people on board but O.K. Investigation under way! Continue to enjoy your adventure. Love Mum and Robin xx

  2. Sounds Amazing!! From the look of that picture, I think I'd quite like the seafood!

    Am looking forward to reading more blogs and will have to make sure Steve has a read too (might cheer him up as he recovers from his bronchitis, bless him!).

    Take care and watch out for the birds!
