Thursday 26 January 2012

Total Washout

Today has been the sort of day you wish for when England have been bowled out for 117, the opposition have posted a mammoth 600 plus and we are staring an innings defeat in the face.

It started raining just as Jonny was on his way back from the shower block (two showers in one day, most unusual for him!) and it hasn’t stopped all day.  Although it can be said that the rain has been varied: sometimes heavy, sometimes very heavy and often torrential.

We drove north to a little place just above Coffs Harbour called Emerald Beach.  The campsite is lovely and we have treated ourselves to an en-suite site – our very own toilet and shower block, what luxury!

It takes more than a little bit of rain to get us pommies down so we set off exploring.  First stop the beach and what a fantastic beach it is and we had it all to ourselves, can’t imagine why?

Then a play on the roundabout – do little boys ever go up?

Next a little kangaroo hunting, we saw these two little lovelies just hopping about the camp.  How cute!

And finally a short walk into town to pick up some provisions, you know the essential sort of stuff: gin, tonic, ice etc and to book a table for dinner, which will be our first BYO (Bring Your Own) experience.
Just time for a couple of pre dinner aperitifs before heading back out in the rain!

Sorry no pictures today as the wifi connection is poor - we will see if we can add some at the next stop.

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