Tuesday 24 January 2012

Twilight Zone...

Today has been somewhat of a strange day…like entering the 'Twilight Zone"

It started on an odd streak when on the way back from the showers Jonny (without glasses) went to the wrong van and much to his surprise opened the door to find a lady, not called Samantha, putting on her bra!

It didn’t get any better when desperate for provisions we stopped at the first supermarket we came across – ALDI.  I’d like to tell you that it is different in Australia and it is stocked to the roof with well-known brands but it isn’t.  However, it does seem to fit in perfectly with our new budget chic style!

The trip to Manning Point was wet.  It would appear that we have decided to come to Australia at a time they have decided to have their worst summer in 40 years, oh well, still beats working!

On the way along Pacific Highway 1 we saw our first wild koala.  Unfortunately ‘wild’ might be a little bit of exaggeration, as it was dead at the side of the road.  Oh well, at least we know they exist outside of zoos.

We arrived at Manning Point not knowing to expect and were quite frankly disappointed to find out.  There is a bar (shut), a nature reserve (open) and the caravan park we are in (with Brittney’s family!).

However, we did stumble across the Bowling Club and much to Samantha’s reluctance signed in for temporary membership that lasts seven days – seven minutes was enough for Samantha before we headed back to Muriel (although the loos were very nice, something you appreciate more when travelling in a van).

The day ended with our first attempt at an aussie barbeque – GAS!  Anyway, after a couple of dollars (I don’t suppose you get that level of timing control with coals) it seemed to cook out butterfly leg of lamb just fine.

We finished the night sitting outside Muriel with a couple of drinks, talking to the locals as they wandered by, listening to sea roll in against the shore.

You know what, even bad days are good!

1 comment:

  1. A GAS BBQ!! How could you??? After all the hell you gave me when I talked about buying one!!! I was under the impression you would NEVER lower your standards to that extent! ...... So - go on then... Did it taste like a regular BBQ cooked piece of lamb or not... Tell the truth now..... X
