Sunday 15 January 2012

A day of WOW's

So the adventure has begun!

First WOW - We successfully navigated Heathrow without Samantha spending too much money in the Duty Free shops!  The 'old one' about there being very severe restrictions on how much you could buy to take abroad worked a trick - although there is a long way to go and many shopping opportunities ahead, so this should be regarded only as a minor victory!

We were then able to spend a little time relaxing with a drink, looking at our shopping spoils, before boarding the jumbo.


Second WOW - I never thought it possible but the 13 hour flight (we were delayed in the air) was a breeze, almost enjoyable in fact.  At one point I was concerned it would be over too quickly as there were so many films I wanted to watch on the media system.  It really was like being at home in front of the telly for 13 hours with someone bringing you food and drink on call - quite simply WOW.  

But as the picture below shows 13 hours in the air does take its toll!

Arrived in Hong Kong to find it doing a very good impression of a wet miserable afternoon in Manchester.  However, there were still more WOW's to come.

Next WOW - People from Hong Kong can pronounce the name 'Roughley' better than people in the UK: not 'Rugeley' or 'Rowley' they say 'Roughley (possibly with a little hint of a 'w' at the start but damn impressive none the less!).

Super WOW was the hotel - we had no idea what it was going to be like but our jaws dropped when we saw the place.  The view from the window today is not so good (owing to the weather)...

...but the inside more than makes up for it.  

I was a little upset when reading my travel guide to not find it mentioned in the 'Top 10 Luxury' hotels in Hong Kong.  Oh well I thought, never mind we like it.  Imagine my surprise when I turned back one page to discover the 'Super Luxury' category and there it was listed at number 4 - SUPER WOW!

Final and fifth WOW was dinner - off we went to a little restaurant recommended by the concierge.  At first glance it didn't look overly impressive, situated on the fifth floor of a tower block.  However, it soon became evident it has a haunt for locals, the view over the harbour was great, the food was fab, the price was reasonable and, wait for it, and Samantha used chopsticks!

Happy to bed now.  Night night...

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